User Roles, States, and Posting Permissions

Managing user access and permissions is a crucial part of creating and maintaining an advocacy program. Access and permissions are provided by applying user roles, states, and posting permissions. These three applications work together to provide different levels of access and permissions and ensure users are able to perform tasks effectively and efficiently. In this article, we provide an overview of what user roles, states, and posting permissions are and how they are used in EveryoneSocial.

🔹 This is available on all plans.

🔸 This feature is accessible to Admin.

User roles

User roles give users access and permissions necessary to effectively utilize features within EveryoneSocial. All users have a Workspace role and some are also assigned a role specific to a Group, which gives access and permissions at the Group-level instead of providing access and permissions across an entire Workspace.

🔹 Permissions and capabilities are based on the user's role and the Group role. The role with the highest privilege determine what actions a user can take.

Let’s break down how each role works.

Workspace roles

All users are assigned a Workspace role that provides access and feature functionality. There are three roles.

  • User: The default role for all users. Users can share and post content but do not have the ability to manage what their team can post and share.
  • Contributor: Contributors are a step above a User and have access to permissions to contribute to advocacy-specific content, such as adding suggested share copy and marking posts as branded.
  • Admin: Admins have access to every feature of the platform and can manage users, posts, Groups, and more.

Users can be assigned roles during invitations. Roles can be updated in user management or Group member settings.

Group roles

Group roles are roles assigned within a specific Group. These roles are helpful if users need to have a higher level of access and permissions for certain Groups but not for the entire Workspace. There are three Group roles.

  • Member: The default role for all Group members. Members are people who joined a Group. All members default to the Workspace role for access and feature functionality.
  • Moderator: Moderators can edit settings for the Group they moderate, approve and remove Group content, edit suggested share copy, and view analytics for the Group.
  • Owner: Group Owners are the same as Group Moderators, but they also have the ability to delete the Group.

User states

User states are the statuses of colleagues in EveryoneSocial. There are three user states.

  • Active: A user who can access the Workspace.
  • Suspended: A former user who can no longer access the Workspace or receive notifications.
  • Removed: A user whose account and information has been deleted from EveryoneSocial.

Learn how to change user states in the user management article.

Posting permissions

Posting permissions are the permissions available for content posted to EveryoneSocial. There are five levels of posting permissions. The following list starts with the least privilege and ends with the highest privilege. 

  • Content Owner: This is applicable to the User role. They are the Content Owner when they've posted the original content, and they can only control their own copy.
  • Contributor: This is the Contributor role but has specific posting permissions. They have the ability to create branded posts, edit share copy, and edit user-generated body content.
  • Group Moderator: Moderators can hold the user roles "User," "Contributor," or "Admin." If they are an Admin, then their permission levels fall under "Admin." Moderators can edit the Group they moderate, approve/remove content, and edit share copy.
  • Group Owner: Group Owners are a Group's original creator, and they have the same controls as Admin within the created Group. Outside of the created Group, a Group Owner has permissions according to their user role.
  • Admin: Admin is the most powerful role inside of EveryoneSocial. Admins have all posting permissions available, which makes any Admin capable of fully administrating their Workspace. Click here to view Admin controls.

🔹 Note: Group Moderators are only available on the Teams and Enterprise plans.


Can a user have different posting permissions in different Groups?

Users can have different posting permissions in different Groups. Users will default to the role with the highest level of permissions within the Group accessed. 

What happens if a member is suspended?

If an admin suspends a user, the suspended user will be prohibited from accessing the Workspace. A notification will appear on the login screen of the suspended user, informing them of their suspended status. However, an administrator retains the capability to reactivate the suspended user's account whenever deemed necessary. Users who are affiliated with various Workspaces can still access other Workspaces as long as their status remains active in those particular Workspaces.

There is an option to delete a user and their profile, which would remove them from all Workspaces and revoke their access to all of EveryoneSocial until another account is created. You'll want to reach out to EveryoneSocial's Support team to request the deletion. 

What happens when a user is deleted from EveryoneSocial?

When deletion occurs, all Personal Identifying Information (PII) is deleted from EveryoneSocial (names, titles, emails, social media profiles) and removed from downstream providers. Some past activity remains. For example, if a deleted user liked an article then that action does not disappear from the like count but any attempt to view the profile yields a “Deleted User” notice.

How can I assign a user the permissions of Group Moderator?

If users are not allowed to create Groups, assign the user a Group moderator role.

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