User Management

Managing users is a major component of being a Workspace Admin, including inviting users, adjusting roles and permissions, and removing users from a Workspace. This article describes how to invite users, update user details, suspend users, remove users, and answers frequently asked questions. 

🔸 This feature is accessible to Admin.

🔹 This is available on all plans.

How it works

User Management gives the option to invite, view, and edit users. Once an invitation link is clicked, the person can be found in User Management under one of three states. 

  • Onboarded: Onboarding is complete and the user can log in to EveryoneSocial.
  • Suspended: A user who can not log in due to their account being temporarily disabled.
  • Partially Onboarded: A person was invited and started onboarding but did not complete it. 

Invite users

Invite users directly from the User Management page.

  1. Go to Admin > User Management.
  2. Click ➡ New Invite.
  3. Follow the instructions to send an invitation.

Update user details

Change a user's department, location, and role in User Management. Learn more about user roles and permissions in this article.

  1. Go to Admin > User Management.
  2. Hover over a user's information.
  3. Click the Edit icon.
  4. Change the user's department, location, or role.
  5. Click Apply.

🔸Edit options are located on the far right of the screen. Please scroll to the right if you do not see them.

Suspend a user

User Management provides the option to suspend a user from your Workspace. Suspended users can not access EveryoneSocial but they can always be reactivated.

  1. Go to Admin > User Management.
  2. Hover over a user's information.
  3. Click the Suspend icon.
  4. Confirm by clicking Suspend in the popup.

🔸Suspend is located on the far right of the screen. Please scroll to the right if you do not see it.

Remove a user

Removing a user will permanently delete the user and account from EveryoneSocial. Only suspended users can be removed from EveryoneSocial. To complete the removal.

  1. Go to Admin > User Management.
  2. Select Suspended.
  3. Hover over a user's information.
  4. Click the Remove icon.
  5. Confirm by clicking Remove in the popup.

🔸Remove is located on the far right of the screen. Please scroll to the right if you do not see it.

Unsuspend a user

Suspended users can be reactivated at any time. Unsuspend a user by taking the following steps.

  1. Go to Admin > User Management.
  2. Select Suspended.
  3. Hover over a user's information.
  4. Click the Unsuspend icon.
  5. Confirm by clicking Unsuspend in the popup.

🔸Unsuspend is located on the far right of the screen. Please scroll to the right if you do not see it.


What happens if a member is suspended?

If an Admin suspends a user, the user will not be allowed to access the Workspace any longer. Suspended users will be notified on the login screen that they are in a suspended status. Their account can be reactivated at any time by an Admin. Users who belong to multiple Workspaces can continue to access Workspaces that have not changed their user status to suspended.

There is an option to delete a user and their profile, which would remove them from all Workspaces and revoke their access to all of EveryoneSocial until another account is created. You'll want to reach out to EveryoneSocial's Support team to request deletion. 

What happens when a user is deleted from EveryoneSocial?

Users can only be deleted by requesting it within their account settings or by our staff deleting the user profile. When deletion occurs, all Personal Identifying Information (PII) is scrubbed from EveryoneSocial, and we will not have information associated with a deleted user’s profile, such as a name and email. A deleted user's actions are still tracked and will be associated with the user_state  “Deleted.” Some of past activity remains. For example, if the user liked an article then that action is counted in the reactions but attempts to view the profile will yield a “Deleted User” notice.

How can I assign a user the permissions of Group Owner and Group Moderator?

Great question! This is done within the Group itself. Group Owners must create the Group to be considered the Group Owner. Click here to learn how to allow users to create Groups.

Do partially-onboarded users count as active?

Great question! Partially-onboarded users must have authorized a social account to be considered an active user. Learn more in this article about Active Users.
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