Create and Customize Leaderboards

Drive retention and improve program engagement using Leaderboards. Leaderboards are scoreboards that assign points and rank users based on actions taken in a Workspace, such as connecting a network and sharing posts. Leaderboards encourage your team to regularly participate in the program and create a little friendly competition. 

In this article, we'll go over the steps to create a Leaderboard and change point values assigned to each action. You can learn more about how Leaderboards work in this article.

Let's get started!

🔹 This is available on the Teams, Enterprise, and Unlimited plans.

🔹 Starter plans can enable the default rolling 30-Day Leaderboard.

🔸 This feature is accessible to Admin.

Create a Leaderboard

Leaderboards are created by Admins in the Admin Settings.

  1. Go to Admin > Leaderboards.
  2. Click New Leaderboard.
  3. Toggle on Enabled to activate the Leaderboard.
  4. Title the Leaderboard.
  5. Add Segments.

    🔹Using the Segment “Onboarded Users” will force the duration to be a rolling 30-day duration. 

  6. Select a time duration. Times are based on the timezone of the Admin creating the Leaderboard.
    1. Ongoing: Points will accumulate while the Leaderboard is enabled.
    2. Start Date: Points will accumulate from the Start Date until the Leaderboard is disabled.
    3. End Date: Points will accumulate when the Leaderboard is enabled until the End Date.
    4. Start and End Date: Points will accumulate from the Start Date until the End Date.
  7. Enter text in the "Description" field.
  8. Edit the point system.
  9. Click Create.

Activate Leaderboards

Leaderboards are disabled by default and must be enabled by Admins to start accruing points. Enable Leaderboards with the following steps.

  1. Go to Admin > Leaderboards.
  2. Toggle on Status.

Enabled Leaderboards' statuses will be blue and disabled Leaderboards' statuses will be gray.

Once a Leaderboard is enabled, all users will be able to view the Leaderboard, their current rank, and how to gain points. 

Edit the point system

Each Leaderboard will have default point values for various actions. Leaderboard points attribute values to more than 35 data points, including posting content, sharing content, and inviting users. Point values are applicable from the time the value is saved and the points apply to all future actions. 

Edit the point system by taking the following steps. 

  1. Go to Admin > Leaderboards.
  2. Click Edit.
  3. Scroll to Scoring/Points.
  4. Adjust points by using presets or set custom values within each category.

    Points can be whole numbers or include one decimal point.

  5. Click Save.

View more information about the Leaderboard Point System in this article.

Scoring presets

Point presets can quickly assign points and launch campaigns that boost your program’s engagement. Presets include the following.

  • Restore to Default: Resets all point values to the default values.
  • Set All to Zero: Sets all point values to zero.
  • Sharing Focused: Applies points to share actions only.
  • Twitter Focused: Applies only Twitter-specific points.
  • LinkedIn Focused: Applies only LinkedIn-specific points.
  • Invite a Colleague: Applies points for invitation actions, including Admins sending invitations.
  • Relaunch & Refresh: Designed for reactivating users. This preset applies points for actions that re-engage users.
  • Connect & Share: Designed for new users. This preset applies points for actions that new users take to become familiar with the Workspace.
  • User Generated Content: Designed to encourage your team to post content to EveryoneSocial. This preset applies points to users posting content and others reacting to their posts.


Why can't I select a date in the past for the start date of my Leaderboard?

Leaderboards cannot collect points retroactively; they can only gather points from the current date forward, so you cannot select dates in the past as the start date for your Leaderboard.

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