Update Language Settings
EveryoneSocial's default language is English, but it's possible to update the language. Change the language by using your browser or mobile device's default language. The language will change if it is set to one of the following.
- French
- Spanish
- Portuguese
- Italian
- German
- Japanese
- Korean
The translation will automatically update once the new settings are applied.
Update Browser to another Language Selection
To revert EveryoneSocial to English or another language, you must clear your browser's local storage. In most cases, we also recommend changing your browser's default language.
- Change your browser's language to the desired default language. If multiple languages appear, you may need to remove other languages so only the desired language appears.
- Chrome: Change the language of your Chrome browser
- Edge: Use Microsoft Edge in another language
- Mozilla Firefox: Use Firefox in another language
- Clear the Local Storage settings for EveryoneSocial. Here's a step-by-step article on how to delete local storage for each browser.
- Navigate to your EveryoneSocial workspace.
- Right-click the screen and choose Inspect.
- In the tabs that appear, select Application and remove the "Local Storage" option for EveryoneSocial, as illustrated below.
Mobile device language settings
The EveryoneSocial mobile app defaults to the language setting on your mobile device. The device's default language must be updated to change EveryoneSocial's mobile app language settings.
- Uninstall the EveryoneSocial mobile app before changing the settings.
- Change your mobile device's default language to what you want to see within EveryoneSocial.
- Apple iOS: https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT204031.
- Android: Android devices differ, but here's an example.
- Restart your mobile device.
- Reinstall the EveryoneSocial mobile app.
🔸 Please note this will update the language settings in EveryoneSocial but will also change the language settings for every menu and app on your mobile device.