Microsoft Teams Integration

Integrating Microsoft Teams with EveryoneSocial can help increase your program's effectiveness and participation rate. Whether you're looking to get more views on an internal post or have your team share a post to their networks, the Microsoft Teams integration allows you to increase visibility on your content. In this article, we'll walk you through how to set up your Microsoft Teams integration and how it works. 

Let's get started!

This is available on the Teams, Enterprise, and Unlimited plans.

This feature is accessible to Admin.

Enable Microsoft Teams

A Microsoft Teams Global Admin must first enable the Microsoft Teams integration and authenticate it in EveryoneSocial to "Consent on behalf of the organization." Once completed, users can connect a Microsoft Teams account and start cross-posting content from EveryoneSocial to Microsoft Teams. 

  1. Go to Admin.
  2. Select Settings.
  3. Click Edit Settings.
  4. Toggle on Microsoft Teams.
  5. Click Save.

Last, follow the steps below to Connect to Microsoft Teams. During step 5, check the "Consent on behalf of your organization" box to complete the process and allow all users to connect to Microsoft Teams.

Go to Permissions Granted to EveryoneSocial to learn more about the permissions requested.

Connect to Microsoft Teams

Start sharing content by connecting to a Microsoft Teams account. 

  1. Click the profile menu.
  2. Select Account Settings.
  3. Scroll to Connect to Teams.
  4. Click Connect to Teams.
  5. Click Allow.

Compose a post to share to Microsoft Teams

Posts can be sent to Microsoft Teams while you’re on a post’s edit screen, whether during the publication or editing process.

Either publish a post or edit a post to begin the process.

  1. Toggle on Send to Microsoft Teams.
  2. Select the channels to host the shared content.
  3. Click Post or Save to send the content to Teams.

How content is published to Microsoft Teams

Your post must be published inside EveryoneSocial for it to show up in Microsoft Teams. If it’s been submitted for approval to a Group, then a Moderator or Admin must approve the post before it’s published.

Once your post has been published, it will share to the Microsoft Teams channels you selected during the creation process. Moderators and Admins can also push content to Microsoft Teams while editing and approving the post.

The post will display the profile image of the person who shared the post to Teams, then it will display the EveryoneSocial post inside a container, where your team can interact with it.

You may see your image and name twice on the post in Microsoft Teams if you are the content creator inside EveryoneSocial and the person sharing to Microsoft Teams.

Interacting with Microsoft Teams posts

The post is shared to a Teams channel, where channel members have the option to share or view the post.

Share the post

Clicking the Share button from the web app or desktop app will open the post's page, where the post can be shared to a person’s social networks. The post needs to be shareable for this option to present.

If the user taps Share on the Microsoft Teams mobile app, and the reader has the EveryoneSocial mobile application downloaded, then the post will open in the mobile application. If it has not been downloaded, then the post will open in the reader's default browser. The reader will be brought to the Public Post Page, where a person can immediately share the post to selected social networks without logging in to EveryoneSocial.

Once users log in to EveryoneSocial, they can share the content with all the sharing options, such as scheduling the share for later.

View the post

The View button links to the post in EveryoneSocial, where users can like or share the post. If users are not registered in the Workspace, then the View option functions as a link to a Public Post Page.


Link posts created from a social network's link have an Engage option. Clicking Engage will take viewers directly to the social network's post to like, comment, and engage with it.

The value engage_actions  tracks how many users click Engage when they are in EveryoneSocial. This does not get tracked when users click Engage on a post shared to Teams.

Permissions granted to EveryoneSocial

The following table describes each permission and how it is used by the EveryoneSocial application. 

Permission Name Permission How permission is used by EveryoneSocial Why permission is needed
Channel.ReadBasic.All Read the names and descriptions of channels Enables EveryoneSocial to read channel names and channel descriptions, on behalf of the signed-in user. Without this permission, channel names (“Teams”) would not appear within EveryoneSocial for sharing.
User.Read Sign in and read user profile Enables Microsoft Teams users to sign into the EveryoneSocial app and link their profiles. It also allows EveryoneSocial to read the profile of signed-in Microsoft Teams user. It also allows the app to read basic company information of signed-in users. Without this permission, sharing from EveryoneSocial to Teams would not be possible. Likewise, the name of the person who shared the EveryoneSocial content into Microsoft Teams wouldn’t appear, resulting in a lack of security and continuity.
Team.ReadBasic.All Read the names and descriptions of teams Enables EveryoneSocial to read and list the names and descriptions of channels (“Teams”), on behalf of the signed-in user. Without this permission, the list of available channels (“Teams”) would not be available inside EveryoneSocial, making the selection of a channel and the sharing content impossible.
ChannelMessage.Send Send channel messages Enables the EveryoneSocial app to share content into the desired team channel, on behalf of the signed-in user.

Without this permission, EveryoneSocial could not

share content messages into a Microsoft Teams channel.

Group.Read.All Read all groups Enables EveryoneSocial to list groups, and to read their properties and all group memberships on behalf of the signed-in Microsoft Teams user. Without this permission, EveryoneSocial could not build a list of available channels (“Teams”) for the respective Microsoft Teams user.
offline_access Maintain access to data you have given access to Enables EveryoneSocial to handle scheduled posts at a future date, even when they are not currently using EveryoneSocial. Without this permission, scheduling future content to share from EveryoneSocial to Microsoft Teams would not be possible.


Do permissions granted to EveryoneSocial allow write access to Office 365?

No. Write permissions are not needed or requested by EveryoneSocial.

I want to post to a channel, but it’s not showing up in my Teams channel list?

There are two reasons why a channel may not present when sharing content.

Can EveryoneSocial content be shared to private Microsoft Teams channels?

For security and privacy, no; only public channels may receive content from EveryoneSocial.

Can I edit a post sent to Microsoft Teams?

Absolutely; however, if you want edits to show in Teams, you will need to take two steps. Edit the post within EveryoneSocial by clicking the three dots menu > Edit post. Make the changes, then click Save.

If the post was already shared to Microsoft Teams, you’ll want to share that to Teams again for the edits to be displayed in Teams.

Can users share content from Teams to EveryoneSocial?

No, the flow is one-way from the EveryoneSocial platform to Microsoft Teams.

My share and view buttons are missing. Why is that?

Microsoft Teams has default parameters and, if a post is tall, then the share and view buttons may appear within a "show more" link. You'll need to click that to access the share and view options.
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