Admin Analytics: User Reporting

External Activity Report: Monitoring User Engagement and Influence

In this article, we'll guide you through using the External Activity Report in the Admin Console to track individual user engagement and see how your team's activity is resonating across social media. By the end of this guide, you'll know how to make the most of this data to boost your advocacy program's impact.

Accessing the External Activity Report

To get started, navigate to the Admin Console and go to the Analytics section. From here, select Users to access data on total registered users within the platform. This section provides a comprehensive overview of user activity, allowing you to dig deeper into specific metrics by exporting the data.

Filtering and Exporting Data

Before exporting the External Activity Report, it's crucial to set the appropriate time frame and filters. You can filter data by:

  • Department: Track engagement by specific departments.
  • Location: Monitor how different locations are performing.
  • Segment: Analyze engagement based on predefined user segments.
  • Group: Assess activity within different content groups and their subscribers.

Once your filters are set, you can export the report to gain detailed insights into user engagement.

Key Metrics to Track

The External Activity Report offers several key metrics to help you monitor user engagement and program impact:

  1. Onboarding Status:
    • Quickly identify which users have completed onboarding. If you've recently launched a program or expanded it to a new team, you can see who hasn't completed onboarding by sorting the Onboarded column.

      Network Connections:

    • See which users have connected their networks (like LinkedIn) and who haven't. Users with large networks are potential influencers; sorting the data from smallest to largest network size can help identify key individuals to engage.
    • Users with a reach of zero should be encouraged to connect their networks and share their first post to increase their impact.

      Top Sharers:

    • Identify top sharers by sorting the data by Shares to see who has shared the most content within the selected period.
    • Conversely, sort from smallest to largest to find users who haven't shared anything yet. These users can be targeted for engagement tactics to encourage their participation.

      External Engagement Data:

    • Connecting networks such as LinkedIn allows the platform to capture external engagement data, which is crucial for measuring the success of your advocacy program.

Exporting the External Activity Report

To export the report:

  • Select External Activity Report in the analytics section.
  • A notification will appear when the report is ready for download. If you miss the notification, check under the bell icon in the top navigation bar to trigger the download.

Once downloaded, the report provides several impactful data points:

  • Emails: Use emails to create targeted segments for outreach and reactivation.
  • User State: Identify users who are fully onboarded versus those who are partially onboarded. Partially onboarded users may have started the process but not completed it, requiring additional follow-up to ensure they connect their socials and share content.
  • LinkedIn Connection Status: In column N, see whether LinkedIn is connected (true or false).
  • Total Shares: In column R, view the number of shares by each user, identifying top contributors and those needing encouragement to participate.

Maximizing Engagement with the Report

By leveraging the data from the External Activity Report, you can:

  • Identify Top Contributors: Highlight and recognize users who are most active in sharing content.
  • Engage Inactive Users: Reach out to users who haven't shared content or connected their networks to address any concerns and encourage their participation.
  • Optimize Program Strategy: Use the insights to adjust your program strategy, focusing on increasing shares, clicks, and engagements to maximize the program's impact.


The External Activity Report is a powerful tool for monitoring user engagement and measuring the influence of your advocacy program. By utilizing this report, you can enhance your strategy, boost user participation, and drive better results for your organization.

Stay tuned for our next video, where we'll review the Post Report to analyze the performance of your content.

For further assistance or questions, feel free to contact our support team at

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