Admin Analytics: Post Reporting

Posts Report: Analyzing Content Reach and Engagement

Welcome to EveryoneSocial! In this article, we'll explore the Posts Report in the Admin Analytics section, which allows you to analyze the reach and engagement of the content you are sharing within the platform. By understanding how your posts are performing, you can optimize your content strategy to drive better results.

Accessing the Posts Report

To access the Posts Report, navigate to the Admin Console and select Analytics, then go to Posts. This section provides a comprehensive view of all the content created or published within EveryoneSocial. It acts like an inventory check, allowing you to assess the performance of your content engine.

Understanding Key Metrics in the Posts Report

The Posts Report offers various metrics to help you gauge the effectiveness of your content. Here are the key metrics to consider:

Post Type and Creation Details:

    • Post Type: Identifies the type of content (link, image, video, long-form text).
    • Creation Date and Creator: Shows when each post was created and by whom.
    • Review and Approval: Posts created by admins are automatically approved, while posts by base users may require approval depending on your group's settings.

      Engagement Metrics:

    • Likes: Tracks internal likes, which don't have external significance but can indicate user interest within the platform.
    • Shares and Engagements: The number of times a post is shared or engaged with. This is a crucial metric for assessing the effectiveness of your content in driving visibility and interaction.

      Branded Content:

    • Branded Posts: These are posts created with the intention of driving traffic to your company website. Analyzing branded content helps you understand how well your program is driving website traffic through employee advocacy.

Exporting and Analyzing the Posts Report

To dive deeper into your content performance:

  • Export the Data: Click on the export option to download the Posts Report. This report includes several fields such as post ID, content URL, and whether the post is engageable or shareable.
  • Analyze Engageable Content: Use filters to identify engageable posts, which are designed to drive visibility on social media platforms like LinkedIn. Filter for "Is Engageable = True" to see all engageable posts created within the last 30 days.
  • Engage Actions: Look at the "Engage Actions" field to see how many times users have clicked the engage button. This metric helps you determine which posts are most effective in driving visibility on LinkedIn.

Using Post Types to Optimize Content Strategy

Understanding the different types of posts you can create is key to optimizing your content strategy:

  • Link Posts: Direct users to specific content or webpages.
  • Image or Video Posts: Use rich media to attract more attention and engagement.
  • Long-Form Text Posts: Provide detailed information or thought leadership content.

Ensure your posts are tagged properly for easy filtering and reporting. Tags are used for internal reporting purposes and are not visible to end users.

Leveraging Additional Data Fields

The Posts Report includes various data fields to help you optimize your content:

  • Content URL: Shows the destination URL for link-type posts, indicating where you are directing an employee’s network.
  • Post Engagement: Tracks how users are interacting with the content (e.g., shares, clicks).
  • Social Media Platforms: Indicates on which platforms (LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, etc.) the post is being shared or engaged with.
  • Share Copy and Legal Compliance: Determines whether the share copy is locked for legal or regulatory purposes, ensuring consistent messaging.

Optimizing Your Content Strategy

By analyzing the data in the Posts Report:

  • Identify High-Performing Content: Focus on posts that are driving the most engagement and adjust your strategy to replicate their success.
  • Engage Inactive Content: Use filters to find engageable posts that have not yet received interactions, and prioritize promoting these to increase visibility.
  • Refine Content Creation: Understand which types of posts work best for your audience and refine your content creation strategy accordingly.


The Posts Report is a valuable tool for analyzing the reach and engagement of your content within EveryoneSocial. By leveraging the insights provided, you can optimize your content strategy to drive greater engagement and success for your advocacy program.

Stay tuned for our next video, where we will cover the Shares Report and explore how your content is being distributed and engaged with across social media platforms.

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