Understanding Share URL Tracking

In this article, we'll walk you through Share URL Tracking—a valuable feature designed to help measure the reach and impact of the branded content your employees share. By using URL tracking, you'll be able to monitor referral traffic from your Employee Advocacy Program, identify key data points in your CRM, and attribute results back to your program.

What is Share URL Tracking?

Share URL Tracking enables the automatic addition of UTMs (Urchin Tracking Module) and other parameters (e.g., CIDs) to shared content. This feature allows your marketing or digital teams to identify and filter referral traffic generated from employee-shared content in tools like Google Analytics or your CRM. With this data, you can prove the quality of referrals and traffic generated from your employee advocacy efforts.

Key Use Cases:

Share URL Tracking can help you gather data for several initiatives, including:

  • Marketing campaigns: Measure page views, session time, form fills, bounce rate, etc.
  • Social selling: Track pipeline generated, SQLs (Sales Qualified Leads), win rates, deal size, and quota attainment.
  • Talent acquisition: Analyze job applications started, job applications completed, hires, and recruiter performance.

Setting Up Share URL Tracking

Here’s how you can configure Share URL Tracking within the EveryoneSocial platform:

Access the Admin Console:

    • Navigate to the Admin Console and select the Settings tab.
    • Under Settings, locate Share URL Tracking.

Set Up Tracking for Your Domain:

    • Add your company’s domain (e.g., everyonesocial.com ) to automatically append UTMs to any shared content.
    • This allows the tracking of content referrals back to your website and attributing them to your Employee Advocacy Program.

Add UTM Parameters:

    • You can add various UTM tracking keys to align with your existing analytics practices (e.g., in Google Analytics).
    • Common UTM parameters include:
      • UTM Source: Tracks the user who shared the content.
      • UTM Medium: Tracks the social network where the content was shared (e.g., LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook).
      • UTM Campaign: Identifies the campaign for which the content was shared.

        Customize Dynamic vs. Static Values:

    • Dynamic values can change depending on factors like the social network (e.g., LinkedIn, Facebook) or user.
    • Static values remain the same for all shares. For instance, using a static campaign value can help you track all referrals from content shared via EveryoneSocial.

Example: UTM Parameters in Action

Imagine you’re running a marketing campaign to drive traffic to a job listing on your website. With Share URL Tracking, you can add UTM parameters such as:

  • Source: To track who shared the job listing.
  • Medium: To capture the social network used (LinkedIn, Facebook, etc.).
  • Campaign: To track the specific hiring campaign.

By reviewing the data in your downstream tools, such as Google Analytics or your CRM, you can analyze metrics like:

  • Job views,
  • Completed applications,
  • Referral traffic generated.

This level of detail allows you to tie the quality of traffic back to your employee advocacy efforts.

Additional Reporting Options

Share URL Tracking integrates seamlessly with your existing Google Analytics or CRM setup. By filtering for EveryoneSocial-related content in these tools, you can track key outcomes such as:

  • Marketing campaign performance.
  • Sales influence from employee-shared content.
  • Recruitment outcomes driven by shared job posts.

For more advanced reporting or deeper insights into brand reach and performance, consider requesting an Organic Insights report. Reach out to your Customer Success Manager to learn more.


With Share URL Tracking, you can effectively monitor the performance of employee-shared content, proving the impact of your Employee Advocacy Program on your company’s bottom line.

For more information, please visit our Help Center. If you have any questions about deeper analytics or account-based marketing reporting, talk to your Customer Success Manager about the Organic Insights report.

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