Release Notes
📅 Week of Feb 3rd
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued work on our upcoming Compliance offering that will ship later this year
- Fixes for a re-worked Native Mobile App
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed a display issue with document posts in grid view
- Fixed issues where reports were timing out when downloaded
📅 Week of January 27th
🎉 Launched
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued work on our upcoming Compliance offering that will ship later this year
- Fixes for a re-worked Native Mobile App
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of January 20th
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to the upcoming Document Sharing to Linkedin capability
- Started work on our upcoming Compliance offering that will ship later this year
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of January 13th
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to the upcoming Advocacy Insights Page
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Updated the mobile web view of EveryoneSocial
- Fixed a display issue where if you added multiple versions of share copy to a post the button to add was duplicated.
📅 Week of January 6th
🎉 Launched
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of December 16th
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to the upcoming Advocacy Insights Page
- Improvements to the upcoming Multi Image Sharing
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of December 9th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- More mobile web friendly UI
- Adjustments for change in a subprocessor for Organic Insights data
- Fixed an issue where some users weren't having content smart scheduled for them
- Fixed an issue from a recent deployment that was delaying shares going out
📅 Week of December 2nd
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- More mobile web friendly UI
- Adjustments for change in a subprocessor for Organic Insights data
- Fixed an issue where content being chosen by the smart scheduler was old
- Fixed an issue where the date picker for content scheduling was jumping around when times were selected
📅 Week of November 25th
🎉 Launched
- Tracking of clicks for links within share copy
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of November 18th
🎉 Launched
- Executive Identification Page
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Adjustment to X Sharing experience
- Adjustments for change in a subprocessor for Organic Insights data
📅 Week of November 11th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of November 4th
🎉 Launched
- Filter Organic Insights pages by Companies
- 4 Eye moderation
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to the upcoming Modern Advocacy Report
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of October 28th
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to the upcoming Executive Identification Page
- Improvement to our upcoming 4-eye moderation feature
- Improvments to the upcoming OI Companies filter
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of October 21st
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvements to Executive Identification Page
- Improvement to our upcoming 4-eye moderation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where assignments were not editable
📅 Week of October 14th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where Linkedin Sharing stopped working for a short period of time.
📅 Week of October 7th
✨ Coming Soon
- New Modern Advocacy Report
- Filter by companies on OI
- Executive Identification Page
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of September 30th
✨ Coming Soon
- New Modern Advocacy Report
- Filter by companies on OI
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of September 23rd
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvement to our upcoming 4-eye moderation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue with Organic Insights engagements as they stopped being pulled in unexpectedly from the Linkedin API.
📅 Week of September 16th
✨ Coming Soon
- Improvement to our upcoming 4-eye moderation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements to images displaying on the external shares page within the post management area
- Fix to our public post page when there are multiple images present
📅 Week of September 9th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fix to our Content Emails where the banner images were being compressed incorrectly
- Fix to the Content Emails intro and footer message area formatting
- Fix to URL tracking section of the settings area to display better
- Fixed an issue for our Organic Insights customers to pull in data from Express Activated users
📅 Week of September 2nd
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements to data we are collecting for Organic Insights
- Improvements to the data being displayed for our Organic Insights customers
📅 Week of August 26th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements to our SAML integrations
- Fix to our Oauth page if you were a part of multiple workspaces
- Fixed an issue for our Organic Insights customers to pull in data from Express Activated users
- Fix to the Suspended Users tab where not all of the suspended users were displaying
📅 Week of August 19th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improved the Identified Employees page by adding a total count.
- Fixed a bug where we were adding a "." at the end of the share when the last part of the share was a link.
- Fixed an issue where you had to select an image or video multiple times when creating a post.
- Fixed an issue where the expiration date picker wasn't saving the selection.
- Fixed an issue where the share counts were off.
📅 Week of August 12th
🎉 Launched
- External Shares is now available for all clients in the Post Management admin area.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- We have improved the handling of already active users who go through express activation
- Fixed an where blocklisted words weren't displaying as such in the UI.
📅 Week of August 5th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming External Shares as Engage Posts feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Updates to Express Activation User Management page
- Moved the Identified employees to the User Management area of the application
- Fixed an issue where if a link was added and it was a .pdf you can now add a custom image to that for sharing.
📅 Week of July 29th
🎉 Launched
- Express Activation is now live for all clients.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improved Insights page to share more of who is engaging with your teams shares.
📅 Week of July 22nd
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
- Foundational work for the upcoming External Shares as Engage Posts feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improved the query on the Insights Employee page to gather and show more people who are potential employees
- Fixed an issue where we weren't getting as much OI data as quickly as we should have been.
📅 Week of July 15th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where the emoji tool wasn't working and could cause the page to change while creating a post.
📅 Week of July 8th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where scheduled posts that had been approved were able to be overwritten by another user and would go live immediately.
- Fixed an issue where on the invitations page it was saying unknown for who was invited or did the inviting.
- Fixed an issue when pasting in a url into the commentary it would hyperlink inappropriately.
📅 Week of July 1st
- Fixed an issue where we weren't properly assigning who could be an employee based on their OI data.
- Fixed an issue where new RSS feeds that were setup weren't pulling in content properly.
📅 Week of June 24th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of June 17th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
- Foundational work for the upcoming 4 Eye Moderation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of June 10th
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
- Foundational work for the upcoming 4 Eye Moderation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
📅 Week of June 3rd
✨ Coming Soon
- Foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue where we were capturing duplicate engagements for Organic Insights when a share was scheduled into the future.
📅 Week of May 27th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Updated our employee matching for Organic Insights so we should now find even more employees who potentially work for your organization.
- Fixed an issue where clicking to copy the link to the post wouldn't actually copy the link.
- Fixed an issue where you couldn't add users to private groups manually
📅 Week of May 20th
🚀 Launched
- Filter Organic Insights pages by the engagements that came from your connected company pages
✨ Coming Soon
- Some foundational work for the upcoming Express Activation feature
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Updated frontend design framework which enabled changing the branding from Twitter to X
📅 Week of May 13th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Fixed an issue with Organic Insights where company data wasn't mapped correctly. A data backfill still needs to be done for the bad data.
📅 Week of May 6th
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvement to the Workvivo Integration supporting larger file sizes on posts
- Fixed a bug causing the app to not capture all the engagements for Organic Insights data
📅 Week of Apr 22nd and Apr 29th, 2024
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements to the Organic Insights pages to show profiles and results even if there isn't an associated company with the profile.
- Fixed an issue with Organic Insights when the data sets were really large and the page was timing out.
📅 Week of Apr 8th and Apr 15th, 2024
🚀 Launched
- Grid View
- Additional Filters within the Organic Insights pages with total results calculations
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements with our integration with for url shortening and click tracking
📅 Week of Mar 25th and Apr 1st, 2024
🚀 Launched
- Improved Workvivo Integration
- Linkedin Company Page Data for Organic Insights
✨ Coming Soon
- Additional Filters on within the Organic Insights pages
- Grid View design updates based on feedback during the beta
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements
- General performance improvements
- Improvements with our integration with for url shortening and click tracking
- Fixed a bug that prevented sending the Top Companies Engaging email
📅 Week of Mar 11th and Mar 18th, 2024
🚀 Launched
- New weekly emails, delivering insights into your inbox!
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Removed the "user following" functionality that wasn't working properly.
- Restored functionality to allow admins and group moderators to share to their own networks for a post that they were creating in the future.
- Fixed an issue where sharing to Facebook was displaying when it shouldn't have been for image posts on the Public Post Page.
- Fixed a bug where content email history wasn't displaying.
📅 Week of Feb 26th and Mar 4th, 2024
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on new weekly summary emails.
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed a smaller problem with mentioning a company page in Linkedin in share copy
📅 Week of Feb 12th and Feb 19th, 2024
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on new weekly summary emails.
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed a bug where only admins could post through the Khoros integration. Now, any user can post through the integration.
- Fixed the issue where profile images weren't pulling from Linkedin on the Network Builder tab.
- Fixed an issue where Content emails weren't displaying correctly in Outlook.
- Fixed an issue where users could choose to share to their networks when the post needed to go through approval first.
- Fixed an issue where some small number of posts were displaying an error when attempting to view them.
📅 Week of Jan 29th and Feb 5th, 2024
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on new weekly summary emails.
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed an issue where the new design for content emails wasn't displaying properly in the Outlook desktop client.
- Fixed an issue where admins couldn't pull reports for leaderboards
📅 Week of Jan 15th and 22nd, 2024
🎉 Launched
- Updated design for Content Emails
- New capability to tag posts
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on new weekly summary emails.
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements.
- Fixed an issue where if you clicked multiple times when submitting a post, duplicates would be created.
- Fixed a bug where when @mentioning a company for Linkedin, if copy already existed with an @mention of a company, it could ruin the mention in the sharing process.
📅 Week of Jan 1st and 8th, 2024
✨ Coming Soon
- Continued progress on our Workvivo Integration
- Continued progress on our Post tagging feature in beta. Only admins are now able to create new tags.
- Continued progress on some new weekly summary emails.
- Continued progress on new Organic Insights functionality that will ship to clients in the first half of this year.
📈 Improvements
- General security improvements.
- General performance improvements and cleanup.
- Fixed a bug where users couldn't connect to Linkedin.