Share a Post with Multiple Images to LinkedIn

It's no secret - posts with images attached are scroll-stoppers, and posts with multiple images included are a great way to highlight important ideas, topics, and events for your audience. With EveryoneSocial you can now add up to 5 images and share them with your network.

This is available on all plans.

This is available for all user roles.

How it works

Users can publish shareable content and add up to 5 images to a single post. Users can choose to share all 5 images, or they can select only the images they'd like to share.

The first image selected will be the featured image, and the other four images will be shown as thumbnails arranged below the featured image. Users can customize the images they'd like to be displayed in their post and in which order they'd like the images to be displayed.

Multi-image sharing is not currently supported from the mobile app, but it's coming soon!

Publish a Post with Multiple Images

  1. Click Compose > Internal Post.
  2. Select the Group(s) to host the content.
  3. Select the Image or Video tab.
  4. Add up to 5 images. Drag them to their desired order.
  5. Check Allow Sharing and Add Share Copy (optional). You can include up to 5 Share Copy variations per network.
  6. Toggle other post settings on or off, as desired.
  7. Click Post to publish.

Choose images to Share to LinkedIn

  1. Click Share on a post.
  2. Toggle ON the LinkedIn account(s) you'd like to which you'd like to share.
  3. Choose Select Photos in the top-right corner of the post's featured image.
  4. Select up to 5 images to include in your share.
  5. Rearrange your images in the order you'd like. Remember: the first image will be the featured image on LinkedIn.
  6. Toggle on Scheduler to set a future date and time to publish (optional).
  7. Click Share to post to LinkedIn.

Edit a post with multiple images

🔷 Note: You must use a desktop to edit posts with multiple share copy and image versions. 

  1. Click the three-dot menu.
  2. Select Edit Post.
  3. Upload/remove images and arrange them.
  4. Add Share Copy. You can include up to five versions per network.
  5. Click Save.

Once you save the changes, the post immediately updates within EveryoneSocial. Previously shared posts will not be affected by this change. 


How can I see the media requirements for each network?

Can I create a post with multiple .GIF files?

Yep! You can use .GIF files, .JPG, or .JPEG to create your multi-image posts and share them to LinkedIn. As a friendly note, LinkedIn does not support .webp files, so you'll want to be sure that your files are in one of the three formats above and follow all other specifications for sharing images to LinkedIn.

Can I create a post with multiple videos?

EveryoneSocial does not currently support the ability to add multiple videos to a single post.

I'm trying to share a post to Facebook and X, but they're not working. Can you help? 

Facebook and X have a few limitations that may affect using different media. For example, Facebook and X don't allow scheduling content, sharing an image post, or adding a custom image to a URL-type post. Please click here for more information on sharing to Facebook, and here for more information on sharing to X.

Can I add multiple images to a link post?

Currently, LinkedIn only supports including one featured image with a link post. If you have more than one image that you'd like to appear with your link, though, we'd recommend creating a multi-image post and including the link in your Share Copy.

EveryoneSocial tracks click data for all links in a post, including the one(s) included in the Share Copy, so you'll still see click data included in your reporting. EveryoneSocial also appends any relevant URL tracking, if you have any set up within the tool, so that data will filter into your downstream analytics tools, too.

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